A Designer at heart, Wellness Pioneer, Podcast Host, and Intuitive Soul Guide.

i'm liz

Plant-based Nutritionist

Master Pilates Instructor

Yoga Certified

Breath & Mind Coach

Meditation practioner

I am also a...

Entrepreneur, Real Estate enthusiast, Occult student, athlete, lover of design, minimalist, rescue puppy parent, dual citizen, outdoor enthusiast and official cheerleader for my family and friends.

I'm not just ONE role, and neither are you!

Self-care activist

The roles I play in life are just that - roles.  But who am I truly at the core?  For me, it's Universal love that fuels my Soul and ignites my purpose.  Here are the simple truths that guide me... 

I am a Soul with superpowers.
My body is my greatest vessel
My mind is my greatest weapon
Love is my greatest harmonizer
and Light is my greatest force.

I've come to realize that our life's mission is to reestablish the profound connection to Self,  to remember we are Souls first, untouched by societal conditioning or the confines of our own minds.  Our only "job" is to reconnect to all the enchanting facets of ourselves that we've forgotten along the way.  It is through this transformative process that I realized my dream life has always been there, patiently waiting to be claimed!  I was just making it harder than it needed to be.

It's not about the things we're taught to focus on - wealth, possessions, job titles, or social status.  In fact, focusing on these things can lead to more suffering, which I learned too.  My story, like many others, has been filled with hurt, loss, and struggle.  But it's also led me to take the necessary steps to realize my true Self and begin the journey towards mastering my life. 

So I'll start my story here, at this moment of my evolution. (If you want to hear my whole life story, including my path to wellness, go here)

Your most aligned life happens when you get quiet enough to learn who you are and why you are really here.  When you separate yourself from your Ego "I" and allow your Soul Self to guide your life.  This is where the magic is!

Gossip, negative self-talk, spinning out on the past, and yes, lines in the airport.  I'm not about fake living on social media or not being honest with yourself.  I'm not about all the hatred and separation we see in the world.

On the beaches in my home in Mexico with my pup and love, usually sporty, often enjoying a long Mexican lunch, and always watching the sun fall into the sea at sunset.  If not here, I'll be deep in the mountains of Colorado.  So grateful for every day .

My morning meditation practice, gratitude journaling, Some sort of movement (hiking, biking, SUP, Pilates, or yoga).  Focused work sessions. long lunches with farm fresh food.  power nap.  evening walk on the beach.  massage or bath.  Chill night with my love.  Drift off to the non-local!

and guess what?  this is true for you too! 

FACT: You & I are really just God in Drag!


i believe:

my favorite DAILY RITUALS:


I believe we are all here to realize
ourselves in each moment.

The roles I play in life are just that - roles.  But who am I truly at the core?  For me, it's Universal love that fuels my Soul and ignites my purpose.  Here are the simple truths that guide me... 

I am a Soul with superpowers.
My body is my greatest vessel
My mind is my greatest weapon
Love is my greatest harmonizer
and Light is my greatest force.

I've come to realize that our life's mission is to reestablish the profound connection to Self,  to remember we are Souls first, untouched by societal conditioning or the confines of our own minds.  Our only "job" is to reconnect to all the enchanting facets of ourselves that we've forgotten along the way.  It is through this transformative process that I realized my dream life has always been there, patiently waiting to be claimed!  I was just making it harder than it needed to be.

It's not about the things we're taught to focus on - wealth, possessions, job titles, or social status.  In fact, focusing on these things can lead to more suffering, which I learned too.  My story, like many others, has been filled with hurt, loss, and struggle.  But it's also led me to take the necessary steps to realize my true Self and begin the journey towards mastering my life. 

So I'll start my story here, at this moment of my evolution. (If you want to hear my whole life story, including my path to wellness, go here)

and guess what?  this is true for you too! 

FACT: You & I are really just God in Drag!

I believe we are all here to realize
ourselves in each moment.

I took a leap of faith, abandoning all the conventions and comforts I once knew. I packed up 2 suitcases, left behind the familiar places and faces I'd known for over 20 years in the mountains of Colorado, and headed straight for the vibrant landscapes of Mexico.  It was in this pivotal moment that I made a choice that may seem unconventional to some:, but to me, it was a call I couldn't ignore any longer.

Mexico, with its vivid hues and rhythmic heartbeat, became the backdrop to my rebirth. The warmth of its people, the spice in its cuisine, the stories whispered by the ancient traditions—all began to weave into my own narrative. Every sunset over the Pacific felt like a brushstroke painting over old wounds, and every sunrise, a promise of new beginnings.

Amid the bustling mercado stalls, the serene beaches of  the coast, and the mystic traditions of the ancient healers, I reconnected with the fragments of myself I'd long forgotten. I dove deep into self-reflection, occult practices, and meditation, tapping into the wisdom of ancient traditions and the healing energy of the land.

I was 45, amidst a 2nd divorce, mourning the loss of my step-dad, childless, heart broken, burnt-out, and ready to let go of a life I had once cherished.  So I did what anyone would do.   
I gave up EVERYTHING, sold my business, moved to Mexico with my dog, and found my real calling! 

Looking back, this was the most important moment of my life, remembering who I really was...
and learning how to master my life.  

Throughout my life, I had consistently relied on spiritual wisdom and followed divine guidance. However, this particular moment marked a significant shift - a point at which I could no longer merely give it partial attention and disregard the inner voice of my Soul.  Despite my immersion in the realm of holistic well-being, never before had I heard the message so resoundingly clear. The Universe was saying to me "Wake Up!  Listen!  You have everything you need inside, it's time to go in and remember.  Quit trying so hard and surrender".   

I've come to understand that we are all timeless Souls dressed in human costumes, navigating Earth School to master our life's lessons.  Embracing this openness has allowed me to experience love not just as a fleeting emotion, but as a profound state of being.  This love serves as a potent antidote to fear and carries an infectious energy.  I believe we've been purposefully positioned in this life as part of the human experience to foster deeper connection, express boundless love and uplift the planet's vibrational frequency.  

I realized I had to change from head, who I thought I was, to heart, spiritual awareness and love.  

I recognized that life is fueled by the frequency of love - it charges the light within and without light, nothing exists.  

I realized I needed to learn more about my ego and how to separate myself from her so I didn't live from the fear of surviving. 

I realized I am an expression of the life around me and this was my invitation back into life, to reconnect with nature, the people that matter the most and of course to reconnect to myself.

I realized through loss that we are all on death row and the secret of dying and living are the same, which is to be here now in the present moment where the only true connection takes place.

I realized I needed to befriend silence and spend more time in it because as the true language of God, silence speaks clearly.

I realized we are luminous beings and the food we eat serves to unlock the sun's stored energy within us, elevating our vibration.  The heightened frequency allows us to recognize our true selves and fulfill our life's purpose.  

I realized that my greatest impact in the world stems from my Soul's essence so I sought alignment with it.  

I've come to understand that we are all timeless Souls dressed in human costumes, navigating Earth School to master our life's lessons.  Embracing this openness has allowed me to experience love not just as a fleeting emotion, but as a profound state of being.  This love serves as a potent antidote to fear and carries an infectious energy.  I believe we've been purposefully positioned in this life as part of the human experience to foster deeper connection, express boundless love and uplift the planet's vibrational frequency.  

I realized I had to change from head, who I thought I was, to heart, spiritual awareness and love.  

I recognized that life is fueled by the frequency of love - it charges the light within and without light, nothing exists.  

I realized I didn't need to destroy my ego, I just needed to separate myself from her because she was living off the fear of surviving. 

I realized I am an expression of the life around me and this was my invitation back into life, to reconnect with nature, the people that matter the most and of course to reconnect to myself.

I realized through loss that we are all on death row and the secret of dying and living are the same, which is to be here now in the present moment where the only true connection takes place.

I realized that silence is the true language of God and started spending a lot of time there.

I realized we are luminous beings and the food we eat serves to unlock the sun's stored energy within us, elevating our vibration. The heightened frequency allows us to recognize our true selves and fulfill our life's purpose.  

I realized that my greatest impact in the world stems from my Soul's essence so I sought alignment with it.  

I realized that I am a timeless Soul in a beautiful human costume, here in Earth School, learning how to master my life!  The more open I am, the more I experience love.  Love is a way of being, not a feeling.  It's the antidote to fear, viral and contagious!  I realized that I was intrinsicly placed here in this lifetime as part of the human experience to increase connection, experience and express love and raise the vibration of the earth.  

I realized that I am a timeless Soul in a beautiful human costume, here in Earth School, learning how to master my life! 

The more open I am, the more I experience love.  Love is a way of being, not a feeling.  It's the antidote to fear, viral and contagious! 

I realized that I was intrinsicly placed here in this lifetime as part of the human experience to increase connection, experience and express love and raise the vibration of the earth.  

I casted aside all that hindered my growth and shed my previous perceptions.  Guided by an adept in the occult, I delved into age-old wisdom teachings.  I started my days earlier, engaging in rituals that connected me to my Higher Self.   Revisiting my understanding of wellness through a "Soul-first" perspective, I gained a profound clarity that transformed my understanding of who I am and what I am here for.  I felt as though I'd been handed the blueprint to human insight and cosmic consciousness.  Since then, the experiences that have graced my life are beyond any of my dreams. 

I casted aside all that hindered my growth and shed my previous perceptions.  Guided by an adept in the occult, I delved into age-old wisdom teachings.  I started my days earlier, engaging in rituals that connected me to my Higher Self.  Revisiting my understanding of wellness through a "Soul-first" perspective, I gained a profound clarity that transformed my understanding of who I am and what I am here for.  I felt as though I'd been handed the blueprint to human insight and cosmic consciousness.  Since then, the experiences that have graced my life are beyond any of my dreams. 

My intention is help you connect with yourself, Soul deep, while designing the kind of life you actually want.... one aligned to your Higher Self full of abundant freedom, joy, peace, harmony, and of course endless love. 

I'll meet you there.

This is your call to rise above everyday challenges and immerse yourself in the magical life you were meant to lead.   Let your Soul be your guide, and discover love at every turn, especially in the divine reflection that meets you in the mirror.

xx, Liz

My intention is help you connect with yourself, Soul deep, while designing the kind of life you actually want.... one aligned to your Higher Self full of abundant freedom, joy, peace, harmony, and of course endless love. 

I'll meet you there.

This is your call to rise above everyday challenges and immerse yourself in the magical life you were meant to lead.   Let your Soul be your guide, and discover love at every turn, especially in the divine reflection that meets you in the mirror.

My intention is help you connect with yourself, Soul deep, while designing the kind of life you actually want.... one aligned to your Higher Self full of abundant freedom, joy, peace, harmony, and of course endless love. 

I'll meet you there.

xx, Liz

Liz Logan stands prominently at the intersection of design, lifestyle and wellbeing.  Beyond her notable presence as a podcast host, she's a trailblazer in holistic well-being. Liz champions a life of passion and purpose, consistently pushing boundaries and delving into life's profound inquiries: "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?"

With over two decades of experience and having owned a healing center, Liz's mastery encompasses mind, body and Soul. She's driven by a singular mission: to empower and elevate individuals to their peak potential. A recognized speaker, retreat leader, and educator, Liz's insights kindle a deep connection to one's true Self.

Yet, wellness is only one dimension of Liz's expertise. She artfully intertwines design with soulful wisdom, sculpting spaces that enlighten and captivate.  She's also a  passionate advocate for Xala, a hidden sanctuary on the Pacific coast of Mexico. 

With Liz, expect a world where dreams are realized, self-care is a creed, and every step is a step closer to one's authentic self.

professional bio

Your most aligned life happens when you get quiet enough to learn who you are and why you are really here.  When you separate yourself from your Ego "I" and allow your Soul Self to guide your life.  This is where the magic is!

Gossip, negative self-talk, spinning out on the past, and yes, lines in the airport.  I'm not about fake living on social media or not being honest with yourself.  I'm not about all the hatred and separation we see in the world.

On the beaches in my home in Mexico with my pup and love, usually sporty, often enjoying a long Mexican lunch, and always watching the sun fall into the sea at sunset.  If not here, I'll be deep in the mountains of Colorado.  So grateful for every day .

My morning meditation practice, gratitude journaling, Some sort of movement (hiking, biking, SUP, Pilates, or yoga).  Focused work sessions. long lunches with farm fresh food.  power nap.  evening walk on the beach.  massage or bath.  Chill night with my love.  Drift off to the non-local!


i believe:

my favorite DAILY RITUALS:


I'm healthy & sporty, adventurous to the core, sucker for a love story,
& that effortlessness, linen button-down-shirt sexy.

01 / 03

I believe in morning meditations, long rose lunches, long kisses, and "f*ck yes" moments that feel like they go on forever.

02 / 03

Nature is the cure for anything that ails me, but it's also true that there's no place like home with the ones I love.

03 / 03

Dream Big

Honesty, Always

Live Your Light

Find Stillness

Love As A State Of Being

...and travel carry-on only

Know Yourself!

But the most transformative moment happened unexpectedly on a beach chatting with a Soulful woman about her son's regenerative development. It was that connection that would both pivot my career path and land me next to my Soul partner who was searching for the same truths and joys that I was. Our energies resonated, and soon, it was clear that the universe had played its hand in our meeting. The soulmate I'd always dreamt of but never truly believed I'd find was right there, sharing this journey of rediscovery with me.

Together, we embarked on a mission, not just for ourselves but for others like us. We aimed to create spaces and moments for souls to heal, connect, and thrive. My personal journey of heartbreak and rebirth transformed into a collective endeavor of love and purpose.

From a life that felt like it was crumbling to one where every day is a testament to resilience, love, and destiny, my story is a reminder: It's never too late to rewrite your narrative, to chase your dreams, and to find love in its truest form. All it takes is a bit of courage, a sprinkle of madness, and the faith to jump into the unknown.


I love connecting on Instagram AND I know your time is valuable. If you are looking for  a BIG dose of inspiration, honest connection, and some fun, then come and follow along.